Yep. I’m still Black in America…

I am currently writing this from a plane that just took off from Houston to Dallas. Why? Well, being the hard working Americans that we are, my wife and I decided we should have a very nice family vacation with the kid this summer, so we took her on a 7 day cruise out of […]

I Scream… You Scream… We All Scream for Ice Cream!!

Something crossed my mind today that I decided to write about.   (Strap in kiddies, this is a rough subject…)   Confession: I was molested as a child. Several times. By multiple people….   (Okay, so my title was misleading, but ice cream DOES play a part, I promise!)   I’m not ashamed to admit […]

Art Is The Ultimate Wisdom

“Art is subjective.”   That’s something that is always said by artists of all kinds. I think sometimes it’s used as a method to deflect or softly absorb criticism. It’s like, “If you don’t like what I do, that’s just your problem because it’s subjective!”   So, let’s look at the idea of subjectivity: Subjective […]

Don’t Box Me In! (My Open Refusal to Choose a Genre)

I have often been asked to “categorize” Shadow Resistance as a genre.  I understand the concept of that plan. People want to know what they are getting. If you hate fantasy sci-fi filled with orcs, hobbits and elves, then you probably won’t want to read Tolkien.  If you’re in the mood for a good political thriller, then […]

Rainbow Baby

Here’s another little secret.   I’m a Rainbow Baby…   I guess in the *technical* sense of the word that’s not true. See, a Rainbow Baby is a child born after a miscarriage or stillbirth. My parents had a child a year before me, and he was carried to term, but he was born with […]

Here: The Ramblings of an old young person…

Here’s the thing. My brain is a very odd place. Friends and people who have talked to me for long periods of time often tell me they wish they could camp out in my brain, but I wouldn’t recommend that. It’s really cluttered, loud, always going, and it doesn’t always function the way I want […]

So THAT just happened…

I’m angry… Shauna has cautioned me from blogging too politically until the book has been released, with the idea that if I were to do so, I would alienate potential readers before they have a chance to read. I get the premise. I mean, I DO have a business degree which included a few marketing […]

Hello, Self-Doubt, my old friend…

Confession: I struggle with self-doubt.   That probably doesn’t seem like a big reveal because I’m sure most human beings have self-doubt every now and again. (If you haven’t, you just MAY be narcissistic and that’s fine as long as you aren’t a jackass.)   But here’s the thing… You know how some people are […]

I have found my new nemesis…..

The pain in my ass for today is: word count.   Last week, Shauna (You will see me mention Shauna a lot. Shauna is my wife.. just so we’re clear..), received a response from one of the agents we queried. Most of the queries were coming back as “thanks but no thanks.” The nicer agents […]

What Is Shadow Resistance?

It took me a long time to do this; to my friends and family, probably too long. When I say “this,” I mean write and put myself out there. I have loved writing since I was a small child and have been told by many that I was pretty good. The problem was a lack […]