In this intriguing, page-turning, and slyly humorous tale, readers will find themselves pulling for three unforgettable women confronted with an unusual opportunity to address age-old social, political, racial, and economic hot-button topics. Dominique “Dom” Samuels is a wealthy, reclusive computer genius living a life full of anxiety evoked by tragedy. Her acute awareness of the injustices suffered by minority communities make a logic-based artificial intelligence program of her own creation preferable to people. Until, that is, a man appears on her doorstep with an ingenius idea that turns her isolated existence upside down.
Publication Date:
In this intriguing, page-turning, and slyly humorous tale, readers will find themselves pulling for three unforgettable women confronted with an unusual opportunity to address age-old social, political, racial, and economic hot-button topics. Dominique “Dom” Samuels is a wealthy, reclusive computer genius living a life full of anxiety evoked by tragedy. Her acute awareness of the injustices suffered by minority communities make a logic-based artificial intelligence program of her own creation preferable to people. Until, that is, a man appears on her doorstep with an ingenius idea that turns her isolated existence upside down.
Rose Jenkins is a tough but compassionate urban school counselor with a mission to protect at-risk youth from the heartbreak of drugs and violence that took away two of her brothers. When another brother, Robert, is released from prison, healthy and free from his addiction, he opens her eyes to a mysterious group with an entirely new take on social justice.
Layla Green is a police crime scene technician who finds herself at the scene of a grisly murder with no physical evidence and an unidentifiable victim. Then Layla’s eidetic memory zeroes in on one solitary clue — a video game console. When a stranger helps Layla and her partner, Rachel Vasquez, access the console’s protected files, things take a twist none of them could have predicted.
Shadow Resistance leads its readers on an innovative, thought-provoking journey — and to a new take on timely social topics. Even as this book serves up its compelling story, it delivers an invitation to step into the shoes of those who may be different by remembering the humanity of others.
AUTHOR: B.J. Cyprian
PUBLISHER: Divergent Expressions Publishing
PUBLICATION DATE: September 13, 2018
ISBN-10: 0982696051
ISBN-13: 978-0578404424
That’s the first question people want answered. The short answer: my name is B.J. Cyprian and I’m a storyteller. I have a keen ability to relate to people, and I use this skill to celebrate the similarities within diversity in my writing.
I’m often asked who I sound like, and I’ve thought about this for a long time. The truth is, I sound like my mother, my sister, my friends, and my family. I embody the voices of the world around me. My stories all start with a question. For instance, in my 2nd Novel, The Gray Line, I started with the question: What would happen if a grief group ran into a vigilante? For Site 87, my first TV pilot, I asked: What would happen if the government had a retirement home for spies? I excel at character development and layered themes. I have a unique voice, and I honestly cannot say that I sound like anyone.
Which brings me to “Why now?” I could go through a litany of reasons I spent almost 30 years self-sabotaging myself with doubts, but I believe the answer to that question is: Now is my time. The world needs a diverse voice seeking to unify with laughter, humanity, and empathy.
B.J. Cyprian is an award winning author of crime fiction, musician, and aspiring Master Chef.
Copyright © 2023 BJ Cyprian, All rights reserved.