Here: The Ramblings of an old young person…

Here’s the thing. My brain is a very odd place. Friends and people who have talked to me for long periods of time often tell me they wish they could camp out in my brain, but I wouldn’t recommend that. It’s really cluttered, loud, always going, and it doesn’t always function the way I want […]

Hello, Self-Doubt, my old friend…

Confession: I struggle with self-doubt.   That probably doesn’t seem like a big reveal because I’m sure most human beings have self-doubt every now and again. (If you haven’t, you just MAY be narcissistic and that’s fine as long as you aren’t a jackass.)   But here’s the thing… You know how some people are […]

What Is Shadow Resistance?

It took me a long time to do this; to my friends and family, probably too long. When I say “this,” I mean write and put myself out there. I have loved writing since I was a small child and have been told by many that I was pretty good. The problem was a lack […]